About Me

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Proud companion of Papricka the Wild Boar; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Lavender and Basil the pot-bellied pigs; Pepper the Kune-Kune Pig; Polly, Tiffy-Toffy-Tiger, Siouxsie, Oscar and Maus the girl cats; Dali and Tilly the boy cats.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Bad week - but improved at weekend

I had a bad week this week. Managed to get into school on Monday but not quite sure how. Just as expected, the lads were skyhigh and everything was a struggle. What made things worse was the pain I was in and the fact that the lurgy had decided to strike as well.

One year 11 decided he was going to make a phone call during my lesson - when everyone was supposed to be practising a GCSE question under exam conditions. He refused to give me his phone at first, then reluctantly handed it over. He then continued to disrupt the lesson and at one point got his lighter out and threatened to burn the lad opposite him. I used the system and got "On-Call" to see to him - but they allowed him back in the class after he'd handed over his lighter. At the end of the lesson he refused to leave my room. I felt very intimidated. He was demanding his phone back. The school rules state that if caught using a phone it is confiscated and goes to the office and parent(s) have to pick it up. I have another rule, if a phone is handed over to me straight away without any fuss (sometimes they do go off by accident) then they get the phone back at the end of the lesson/day. If they refuse or make a fuss, then I follow the school rule.

I had to leave the room and fetch my Head of Department to remove him. When we returned to my room he was searching through the drawers of my desk. I left HoD with him - as he was now arguing with her about leaving - and went to my class outside and tried to calm them down before coming in. Thankfully HoD managed to get rid of him.

Unfortunately, at lunch he came in again. I was lucky that there was another member of staff who had just popped in to say hi and two lads doing work in the class. I kept calm and asked him to leave but he refused and became more threatening. I left and fetched the Achievement Co-Ordinator to fetch him. He'd disappeared before we got back.

As you can imagine, my stress levels were sky high. I was in a terrible state. I got no sleep Monday night which made Tuesday awful from the word go. DH refused to let me go to work. I think this was the right idea - especially as I had no voice at all. So, I've spent the week trying to rest and recuperate ready for next week.

Saturday morning was wonderful though. I received loads of interational mail. I belong to the Random Acts of Kindness and Cards for all Seasons groups on Ravelry http://www.ravelry.com and received wonderful cards and gifts. It really made my day.

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